SaloneSatellite Projects: From Inception to Production Special show for the 10th anniversary of SaloneSatellite. A large exhibition of about 350 selected products presented over the…
Within the framework of Salone del Mobile in Milan and Designmai in Berlin, a German-Italian collaborative project presents solutions with hooks.
Here you are able to watch a short movie showing the amazing effect of Lightable.
The chair Pinocchio has been awarded the First Prize for the open section
An Exhibition of Berlin Design at RED in Moscow.
Smart little products made out of 1 mm steel sheet. Lasered, folded and powder coated.
For the second time, 11 berlin based designers unite to exhibit their latest work at the Salone Internazionale del Mobile Milan.
Spazio Rossana Orlandi opened in 2002 in a former tie factory in the Magenta Neighbour.
A selection of Berlin Designers are invited to exhibit in Brussels.
An exhibition of New Design from Berlin taking place at The Future Perfect in New York from November 2nd to November 22nd 2005.
The show provides, for the first time, a survey of the most important ideas of a new generation of German designers from the fields of…
A former dance hall is transformed into a Living-munition-dump.
Back from the SaloneSatellite Milan with a lot of business cards in my pocket and a real order from manufactum/magazin over a number of 100…
Berlin – Milano at Salone Satellite, Milano 2005 9 berlin based designers are presenting their new works under the label Berlin-Milan on the Salone Satellite 2005.
Six berlin designers showing current works to sit on, take apart, disorder, pile up, cut up, hide, rest, present, switch on and light up.
The Royal Society of Arts honored Crack with the Ceramic Industry Forum Award 2004.
The lamp Oops! was presented for the first time to the public during the Light & Building 2004 in Frankfurt on the booth of Ingo Maurer.
„European way(s) of Life“ is the title of an international exhibition of SAD (Societe des Artistes Décorateurs) in the Carrousel du Louvre in Paris.
The project Lightable was presented for the first time to the public during Salone Internazionale del Mobile 2001 at the showroom of Ingo Maurer, Spazio Krizia in…